Make Birthday Cards
This is a great opportunity to have your children get involved and bring cheer to others. Encourage them to create unaddressed birthday cards and send them to our address:
727 Ocampo Drive
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Start a Fundraiser to Raise Money
It could be a bake sale, car wash, or anything you like! Collect and send the donation amount through our donation page. Or click the button below to start your own online fundraising page. We would love for you to share pictures of your fundraiser with us, email us at [email protected] and tag us on Instagram @happybirthdayfoundation.
Reach Out to Your Community
If you know of an organization that would enjoy our birthday celebrations, please click below and fill out our contact form. We can’t wait to celebrate with you soon!
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Birthdays are a time for children to be celebrated. Unfortunately, many kids do not have that opportunity. Use your birthday as a way to allow these children to feel special on their birthday. It is simple, instead of receiving gifts, click the button below to create your own birthday fundraiser page. Then follow the instructions to celebrate your birthday with us. Share it with all of your friends and family. Let them know you have donated your special day to impact the lives of children who otherwise would not have the opportunity to celebrate their birthday. Thank you!